Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Sweet Memories, Bittersweet Moment

We had many plans for possible activities for Memorial Day. We didn't really do any of them. We just hung around the house with everyone here (minus Jayme who was sick again) and enjoyed each others company, planted the garden and did yard work. Reed did another bike ride Saturday morning with the Teachers and Priests (boys ages 14-17) in preparation for their Oregon Coast bike trip. Zach joined them while the women folk stayed home and got things done around the house. Then the girls (plus Kayden) headed out for some quick shopping in Albany.
Monday evening, we picked flowers from around the farm and headed to the cemetary to visit my mom's grave. Keegan was very interested and helped with gathering the flowers. I chose to take some blossoms from the Snowball bush that had been at my mother's childhood home and transplanted here. A couple of years ago the main tree blew down after a huge storm and I was so disappointed, but it resprouted and had HUGE blossoms this year. We also took some blossoms from my Mom's favorite BRIGHT orange azalea and then some rhododendren flowers. Keegan asked lots of questions and as we talked at the cemetary, I told him that his Great-grandma would have loved him. Then Josh looked at me and said that he doesn't remember my mom. My mother died when he was barely 2. We moved to Oregon shortly there after. Reed's mom also died before Josh was born. Even now, I cry that Josh, who is so sensitive has had no opportunity yet to know his grandmothers. I think they would have loved him and been very proud of him. How grateful I am for the Plan of Salvation that helps me to know that families are forever. I know that Josh and Keegan will have the opportunity to one day know my mom.
(The following picture was taken a couple of years ago. I forgot my camera this year!)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Refresher Course

I have had the wonderful opportunity lately to reconnect to dear friends, former Young Women, and people that have had an impact in my life. Some of these people I found by blog stalking, others I reconnected with when I joined facebook. I am not an addict. It has been wonderful to reconnect with these dear friends. Since many of them I have not seen or heard from in almost 20 years, they have requested an update on my life, so here is my refresher course. For those of you who are current with me, I apologize, but catching up with old friends and taking an inventory of my life has been a neat experience for me!!

We moved to Oregon 18 years ago at the death of my mother. It is hard to believe that we have been here that long. During that time, my kids grew up. Some have married and had kids, some are in school, some have fulfilled (or are about to fulfill) missions and currently they are all close by and I am very thankful for that! Reed and I own our own business. Some years are good, some are hard, but we always manage to continue on and we are doing great! We love living here on our farm. I love the peace and beauty of being away from town! We have had many church responsibilities. Reed has continued to serve in High Councils, Bishoprics and the Young Men's organization. We had the unique blessing of him serving as a Bishop of a student ward here in our area. We loved it and have a whole family of kids that are very near and dear to our hearts. Reed is currently the YM president in our ward. I have served as Ward and Stake Camp director, YW 's counselor and seminary. I taught seminary for 7 years and was the Stake Supervisor for 4 more years. I am currently the 1st counselor in YW. I love the youth and I hope I stay here forever!! The only difference is now I tell the girls and the other leaders that I am the "OLD LADY"!!

Our oldest, Jayme, is married and has an adorable little girl who is 7 months old. They currently live here in town by us. We love having them so close. They are trying to figure out the next steps in their lives. Whether is be work, school, a move, we don't know, but we are enjoying them while they are here!!

Jessica is currently finishing her 1st year of a 2 year Masters of Social Work. She graduated form BYU with a degree in psychology, then worked in her field in Provo for a few years. We love having her close by where we can see her. She is currently looking forward to her summer break before she starts up on her last year in the fall. From there, who knows!

Jackie, married with 2 children, lives in the Portland area. Her husband is a PhD candidate in Biomedical Engineering. They have a few years left on his program, so they will be close by at least until then. She has 2 boys, one who is about to turn 5, the other about to turn 2. She is expecting her 3rd and we are so excited for them, if she could just get over this sickness thing!

Josh, our youngest, is about to head out on a mission. He will be serving in the Oklahoma, Tulsa mission. We are all so excited for him. He had 1 year at BYU and plans to return there after his mission.

As the name implies, we are a Managerie! But we are very happy and feel so blessed especially by all those who have come to mean so much and had such a huge impact in our lives. We love you all!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Very Special Mother's Day

The best gift of all for Mother's Day came on Saturday for me this year. I had all my children (except for Norma - we missed you honey!) in the temple to share with Josh receiving his endowment prior to his mission. It was such a wonderful day to all be together. We celebrated by going out for lunch afterwards and we were joined by my grand kids. What a special day, one that will probably not be repeated too often. How grateful I am for children who are obedient and love the Lord and are willing to live by His precepts. I couldn't ask for a better gift for Mother's Day!!

Spring Cleaning (with Crutches)

Just like everyone else, the Spring Cleaning bug has bitten me. However, I am at a disadvantage, since I am still on crutches. So, while Reed and Josh were off on the field seminar adventure, Megan came to stay with me and help out the crip! We decided to go through all my drawers and my closet, get rid of things that I no longer wear, fit or Megan deemed "too old ladyish". (Hey, that is either a compliment, or else she is trying to tell me to dress younger than I am!!)
I think Megan had an ulterior motive - she calls it shopping in my closet. There were a few things that she was desparately trying to get me to get rid of just so she could take them. Very clever girl!
The best was her "arrangment" of my shoes. Since I will not be wearing the left shoe for another couple of months, she lined up the shoes I wear the most - right shoes only. The left ones are thrown in the back of the closet for the day when I will be able to get back there to retrieve them AND wear them!!

This the "get rid of" pile!!!

This is the finished closet!

Right shoes only please!!

Thanks Megan!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Thru the Eyes of a Child

Sometimes in order to "think outside of the box" you have to know what it is like INSIDE the box!!Do you remember doing this as a kid?

"Grandma can I use your crutches?"

"Sunshine on my shoulder makes me happy!"

"Make new friends. . . "