We believe in starting the kids young when it comes to working in the lab. Jackie's boys were thrilled to have the chance to wash test tubes and bottles for Grandpa. Keegan has become quite the entrepreneur. When he comes here, he asks Grandpa what he can do to earn money. It starts in the morning when he comes up and joins us in bed and gives Grandpa a back rub for 25 cents. Jayme was here. When he goes out to play on the swing set he finds a plastic shovel or rake and rakes leaves. Out in the lab he asks what can be done and this week he got wash test tubes and bottles. Kayden joined him on the stool and the 2 of them went to work with such intensity. They did a darn good job.
Surgery is over and now we are in the difficult recovery stage. I am not allowed to put weight on my foot for at least 6 weeks. It is a royal pain. I use either crutches or a walker (hopping). I can't get anything for myself since I need both hands to operate crutches. The swelling makes me want to keep the foot up most of the time. I am hoping that this will wear off soon. Pain is not too bad, just uncomfortable.
Somewhere in this post, Jayme left his mark. I get no mercy!