Friday, August 28, 2009

Rocky Mountain National Park

The next big stop on our trip driving across the country was to travel the Rocky Mountain National Park Highway. This highway goes up over 2 miles above sea level . We were well over 12,000 feet high. The scenery was breath taking. Thankfully Reed obliged Jessica and I and made plenty of stops for pictures and sightseeing. It had been a long time since I had traveled this way and at first I was disappointed in the devestation from the bark beetle. The west side is the worst with most of the entire national forest destroyed by the bark beetle. This little critter has done major devastation from Canada down. The place is now ripe for a major forest fire. We need a couple of hard winters to kill off the beetle and hopefully reestablish the forest again. But still the scenery was spectacular and we thoroughly enjoyed it. It was well worth the drive. You feel like you are on top of the world!
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Jen H. said...

Gorgeous pictures. We lived in CO for 5 years and always enjoyed our trips to Rocky Mountain. I'm not sure what point you're at in your journey but if you come back through our way (Omaha/Sioux City) let us know. It would be fun to see you.

Jeff said...

Yes Peggy, they do come home but we enjoy it too. Just not for too Long. Hope all is well with you all.


Kris said...

Hello, Peggy dear. This looks like a wonderful vacation. The scenery is beautiful. How long were you gone?

So, you read Nancy's post about us coming for a visit. It would have been fun to have you there with us. I miss you.